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Susan Corbesero

- Teacher/Advanced History
- The Ellis School
I am a historian and researcher (Ph.D. in Russian and Soviet History). I have taught extensively at the university level and I now teach advanced History courses in a private school. My recent research has looked at "Femininity (Con)scripted: Female Images in Soviet Wartime Poster Propaganda, 1941-1945," "History, Myth, and Memory: A Biography of a Stalin Portrait,' and the use of new media and national identity of a New Russia in the upcoming Sochi Olympics of 2014. I also co-curated Stalinka, a digital library of Staliniana which serves as an extensive online scholarly and teaching resource on Stalin/ism. [://] When it comes to technology, I am self-taught and self-driven to find ways to innovate in the classroom and enliven and elevate the discipline of history for students. But I am technically a DH newbie and hope to learn about the basics. Can't wait to learn and be inspired!